Monday, November 4, 2013

Type 2 Diabetes - Beating Diabetes Before It Starts

The number of new Type 2 diabetes cases is increasing at an alarming rate. But what is even more alarming is the fact that Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable. So why does its occurrence continue to spread all over our planet? Because not enough emphasis is being placed on preventing it before it has a chance to occur.
Here are some ways that can help you to avoid diabetes before it's too late...
1. Lose weight. It sounds simple enough, right? Yet, obesity is consuming society almost as quickly as Type 2 diabetes. But losing weight should not only be used as a tool to ward off developing prediabetes or full-blown Type 2 diabetes. It holds many other benefits, as well. Maintaining a healthy weight is good for controlling:
  • heart disease,
  • stroke,
  • high blood pressure,
  • cancer
and a host of other medical ailments that cripple and dramatically shorten our lives.
2. Avoid the fads. When many people think of losing weight, they immediately want some type of magic pill, drink, supplement, food or medicine to help them do so. But fads are not meant to be a long-term fix. Besides, many are notoriously dangerous, too. The ONLY way to effectively lose weight in a healthy manner is to eat right - period. Fad diets might allow you to drop some weight in the beginning, but it will never keep it off. If you are going to commit to losing weight, change your lifestyle so the effects will stay with you.
3. Exercise. Although this often accompanies weight loss, this is recommended whether an individual has excess weight to lose or not. Exercise is an excellent way to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. The good news is you don't have to act as if you are training for a marathon in order to reap the benefits derived from exercise. Simple, low-impact exercise will do just fine.
4. Eat the right foods. People don't typically put on and hold onto excess weight because they are over-indulging in broccoli or green leafy vegetables. Extra weight is put on due to making poor food choices - either having the wrong foods or too much of it. Adopting a healthier eating plan will not only allow you to drop excess weight, but it will also benefit you in many other areas of your life. You will be able to sleep better, feel more rested throughout the day, think clearer and have more energy for other things - such as exercise.
Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. By making simple changes to your daily routine, its possible to protect your heart, kidneys, eyes and limbs from the damage often caused by diabetes, and eliminate many of the complications you may already experience.


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