Monday, January 24, 2011

Drinking Coffee Lowers Diabetes Risk by Over 50%

According to the study, published in current issue of the journal 'Diabetes,' women who drink three to four cups of coffee a day cut their risk of diabetes by 50 percent or more.

Hitherto studies have shown that coffee offers a protective effect against type 2 diabetes, but the real reason behind the effect was not known.

Now, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, have discovered a possible molecular mechanism that might be responsible for preventing the metabolic condition.

A plausible explanation

Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) is a type of glycoprotein that regulates the production of sex hormones, testosterone and estrogen which are believed to play a crucial role in triggering diabetes.

As per researchers, coffee consumption increases plasma levels of sex hormone-binding globulin, thereby maintaining the insulin levels required by the body in order to function properly.

Study details and findings

In order to assess the link between daily consumption of coffee and type 2 diabetes, study author Atsushi Goto, a doctoral student in epidemiology and Dr. Simin Liu, a professor of epidemiology and medicine at UCLA, conducted a study.

For the study, researchers examined 359 diabetes patients and 359 healthy controls of similar age and race selected from the database of nearly 400,000 women enrolled in a large scale Women's Health Study.

It was found that women who drank three to four cups of coffee regularly reported higher levels of sex hormone-binding globulin as compared to non-drinkers.

In fact, the coffee sippers were 56 percent less likely to develop diabetes than non-drinkers, the study authors averred.

When the findings of the study were adjusted for the glycoprotein levels, it was noted that the protective effect of coffee disappeared.

SHBG blood levels may hold the key to reducing risks for type 2 diabetes, said Dr. Simin Liu, director of the Center for Metabolic Disease Prevention at UCLA and study co-author.

Though the research gives new light to diabetes prevention in middle-aged women, health experts maintain that excess of everything is bad, and this is no different in case of caffeine.

For more information visit: www.diabetes type

Type 2 Diabetes - How Do Stress and Excess Weight Affect Your Blood Sugar?

Stress can be defined as anything that causes a shift in your body's normal state. When your body detects stress, it unleashes several responses in an attempt to re-establish equilibrium. The "fight or flight" response for example, releases hormones that make energy (from fat and glucose) available to cells so they can respond accordingly to the stress.

Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that affects how we metabolize sugar, or the body's main fuel source. With diabetes, the body becomes defiant to insulin... the hormone that controls the passage of sugar in and out of cells. This means that during stress, insulin may not be able to let sugar into the cells. Prolonged stress on the body, be it of a physical or mental nature, causes these fight or flight hormones to linger in your body. This causes a rise in blood sugar levels because your body is now programmed to think it's under constant attack. Naturally it responds by sending more energy (sugar) to its soldiers in the front line: the cells.

The Plan:

You cannot get rid of all the stresses in life... but you can learn to cope with them:

try joining a diabetic support group in your area and learn how other people deal with stress
relaxation techniques like breathing exercises and imagery can help you deal with work
relax... stop yourself from thinking about consequences and focus on the problem itself
Most importantly, be active in your healthcare... take care with your food choices and keep a check on your blood sugar levels.

Insulin resistance can also happen in people who are overweight. Fat acts as a hindrance to insulin... preventing it from moving sugar in and out of cells. Therefore, the aim for Type 2 diabetics is to lose excess weight, lose that belly fat. Stress, can cause a Type 2 diabetic to forget about taking care of himself and lead to binge eating and a sedentary lifestyle.

Exercise should always be a part of your day. It may be as easy as walking 2 flights of stairs or walking 3 blocks to the local shops and back. Stay away from sweet drinks such as instant juices or soda. Also, add more fruits, vegetables and high fiber foods to your diet. Lose weight slowly but surely... about 2 pounds (1 kg) per week.

If you plan to include exercise in your daily routine, don't go overboard. Check with your doctor as to what kind of exercise is best for you, he may need to change your medication accordingly. If you are already taking medications to help lower your blood sugar, eg. insulin, take special precautions. Make sure to check your blood sugar levels before, during and after exercise. Do not continue exercising if the results are below or above the normal range.

Non-diabetics may think of not eating regularly or eating less when they are on a weight loss plan... this may not work for diabetics. Remember that too high or too low blood sugar levels can affect you. Eat according to your regular routine and never skip meals.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease, and with it comes stress and weight problems. Diabetes cannot be cured, but the latter two can be controlled. Remember to always put your health first.

To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tips to Cure Diabetes!

One of the best ways to cure the diabetes is to regulate your daily intake of food. You can choose a diet which is recommended for diabetes patients.
Neem leaf can be chewed in the morning without having any food or drinks. This can greatly help to lower the blood sugar content.
Cinnamon can be boiled in water and this water should be consumed by the patients to reduce the sugar level in the blood.
You can soak almonds in water for a night and then consume it in early morning.
Aamla juice and bitter ground juice can be mixed together and can be consumed to lower the blood sugar level.
Mango leaves should be boiled in water and this can be taken in the early morning to avoid diabetes problems
Tulsi leaves can be chewed on an empty stomach. The extracts are very beneficial for lowering sugar.
Specific Meditation and yoga is also available for the diabetes patients. Then can follow them to get relief from diabetes.
Garlic has the capacity to reduce the sugar level in the blood. Try to include more garlic in your diet.
Insulin resistance can be regained if you maintain a healthy body. Regulating your food and proper exercising is recommended for this.
Bengal gram should be soaked in water and then you have to take the extracts of this.
Soybean is a best food for diabetes patients. They have the capacity to reduce the blood sugar levels.
All these are natural tips to control diabetes without any harmful side effects

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Type 2 Diabetes and The Active Body Control Program to Help Diabetics Lose Weight!

The Active Body Control (ABC) program combines a low calorie diet that includes low glycemic index carbohydrates with telemonitoring of Type 2 diabetics with a small, hand-held device that monitors all physical activities. The Aiper Motion 440 calculates metabolic rates while automatically monitoring all motions (walking, exercising, breathing, etc.) and has a function for the users to enter all foods eaten. The information goes to healthcare workers who calculate how well the Type 2 diabetics are doing with their diet and exercise programs and send out weekly follow-up letters from personal coaches to the diabetics. The letters include graphs of their calorie or kilojoule intake and weight, along with commendations for weight loss.

The inventors of the program conducted a study of its effectiveness at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry, Section of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Otto-von-Guericke University in Madeburg, Germany. Results of their study were published in the journal Diabetes Research Clinical Practice, December 2010.

- thirty-five people with Type 2 diabetes, ranging in age from 52 to 66, were admitted to the ABC program
- thirty-five controls with Type 2 diabetes, ranging in age from 52 to 65, were treated with conventional therapy.
- Body mass indexes averaged about 35 (obese) for all diabetics involved.

Results: After six months:

- the diabetics in the ABC group lost an average of 11.8kg (26 pounds). One Type 2 diabetic lost 30.5kg (67 pounds. Blood sugar and HbA1c were also lowered
- the per cent of diabetics with an HbA1c above 7 decreased from 57 per cent to 26 per cent
- thirteen diabetics, or 39 per cent, were able to go off their antidiabetic drugs, and 42 per cent were able to reduce their doses
- the control group showed no changes in weight, blood sugar, or need for drug treatment

It was therefore concluded that the program was effective. Studies of the program with participants having high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome and other conditions are planned.

Right now the program is available only in Germany, but the company, Aipermon GmbH Co., plans expansion throughout Europe, and is negotiating with insurance companies for reimbursement. If the program proves successful in clinical use, perhaps we will see it in the rest of the world before long.

Support for your weight loss: Presently there are other methods of obtaining individual instruction and support for losing excess weight:

personal trainers can be helpful, and clubs such as Weight Watchers are designed to provide weight loss plans and support for their members
some people find it helpful to jog or do calisthenics with a friend has listings of ordinary people who need and offer support for those with weight problems is another free online group whose members support each others' efforts to normalize their weight and become healthier. works to inspire people to begin making small changes, such as walking an extra ten minutes per day
Take Off Pounds Sensibly is a low cost support group similar to Weight Watchers.

You are not alone... there is support available to help both Type 2 diabetics and non-diabetics lose weight.

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