Sunday, July 17, 2011

Type 2 Diabetes - The Effect Diabetes Has On Men

Unfortunately, Type 2 diabetes is not an equal opportunity offender. Although the disease does do a number on women and their overall health, it is men who reap the worst repercussions as a result of having diabetes and unstable blood sugar levels.

Starting with the head and working down to the feet, you can see vision is acutely affected by diabetes due to high and uncontrolled blood sugar levels. There are several conditions that appear to advance more rapidly in diabetic men than diabetic women. One is retinopathy, which is a vision disorder as a direct result of diabetes. Retinopathy is the enlargement, breakage, or leaking of tiny blood vessels in the eye, which can spill blood into the eyeball and threaten vision. Once this condition sets in, men tend to progress into blindness faster than women.

The brain is more susceptible to disaster too. The likelihood of stroke or strokes are higher for men. Adding high cholesterol and elevated triglycerides, or fat in the blood, to this problem only makes it more probable. Let's not forget high blood pressure. It goes hand in hand with obesity, cholesterol and low activity.

Traveling to the heart we see the increased opportunity for health issues. Since men are more prone to heart disease, it goes without saying they need to focus more attention on keeping this area as healthy and fit as possible. In fact, studies show if a man is diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes before the age of 60, they are two and a half times more likely to suffer from a heart attack than non-diabetic men of the same age.

When you get to the midsection, things get serious. For a man, it comes down to impotence. There is a direct correlation between out of control blood sugar levels and erectile dysfunction (ED). The condition can appear even in the early stages of diabetes, but the chances of acquiring it, dramatically increase as you age. Since the causes are due to impaired blood flow, nerve damage and muscle function, it is imperative to keep these areas in check through proper diet and exercise. Also, maintaining a healthy weight is ideal for making sure this doesn't become an issue.

Lastly, it all comes down to circulation. Men seem to have a much higher rate of limb amputation due to poor circulation, than women. In fact, statistically, men are between two and three times more likely to need amputation of their feet or legs as a result of circulation restriction and/or nerve damage. This is where getting up and moving around can benefit. Any form of activity up to and including exercise will keep this debilitating action at bay.

Men... keeping yourself healthy and controlling your blood sugar through..

•stress-reduction techniques,
•a balanced diet, and
•regular exercise,

Is the best bet to reduce or avoid these complications of Type 2 diabetes.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Herbal Cure for Diabetes

Looking for an effective and easy way to overcome insulin resistance? Take help of the herbs provided by Mother Nature. People from Asian countries are using natural supplements to treat different ailments including diabetes. If you too are looking for an herbal cure for diabetes, then here is a list of some natural substances that you can try:

• Bitter melon: - This vegetable (also known as bitter gourd) is native to Asia and is also cultivated in South America and East Africa. Various studies show that drinking juice of this vegetable on an empty stomach help in lowering glucose levels. The anti-diabetic properties of bitter melon can be attributed to the presence of polypeptide -P protein, which has insulin like characteristics. Drink 50-60 ml of this vegetable juice to control glucose levels.

• Genera Sylvestre: - This herbal cure for diabetes has been used by Ayurveda practitioners in India for the past 2000 years to control this disease. Genera Sylvestre or Gymnema helps in curing both Type1 and Type 2 diabetes. Also known as the 'sugar destroyer', Gymnema leaves are dried and powdered along with coriander seeds to prepare an oral pill. Consuming one pill with every meal helps in controlling the disease and boosts weight loss.

• Onions: - If you love onions, then here is some good news. Scientists suggest that both raw and boiled onions contain allyl propyl disulphide or APDS, which triggers insulin production and prevents insulin breakdown by the liver. This herbal cure for diabetes therefore reduces blood sugar levels. Use onions liberally if you are diabetic, since they also slow down platelet aggregation and control lipid profiles and hypertension.

• Blueberries: - This is one fruit that every diabetic can enjoy to his/her heart's content. Blueberries are easily available in the US and are found to lower glucose content. Besides helping your body to get rid of excess sugar, blackberries are good astringents and also relieve inflammation of the prostate, bladder, and kidneys. You can also make a solution by boiling blueberry leaves in 4 cups of water. Drink 2-3 cups of this liquid every day and keep diabetes at bay.

• Asian Ginseng: - This Chinese medication is a perfect herbal cure for diabetes as it not only increases insulin production but also increases the number of insulin receptors. Asian ginseng controls fasting blood sugar levels and controls body weight. Take 100-200 mg of ginseng daily and feel happy and healthy as it also acts as mood elevator.

Several other herbs are known to possess anti-diabetic properties. Find the right natural supplement and keep a check on your sugar levels.